Isildur1 is Viktor Blom – Truth Finally revealed

One of the biggest online poker stories over the past couple of years has been the secret identity of “Isildur1,” the phenomenon who stormed onto the high stakes poker tables in 2009. Until now, all we knew about Isildur1 was that he was a young Swedish player. Many have speculated that Isildur1 is Viktor Blom […]

Dan “jungleman12” Cates is Biggest Winner in 2010

If ever there was a poster boy for how anyone can make it in online poker, it’s Dan “jungleman12” Cates. Cates started playing online poker back in 2007 as a $1/$2 Hold’em grinder. Unfortunately, Cates sucked pretty bad and bounced back and forth between SNG’s and cash games before losing around $3k in ’07. However, […]

Should You Ever go after Good Players?

Commonsense tells us that going after poker players worse than you will yield profits over the long run. After all, these players suck and you want to get their money before anybody else does. However, there’s a different school of thought on the subject that you might not know and it involves attacking good players. […]

Australian Casino in Trouble after Player drinks 42 Beers

A Sydney, Australia gambler played his own version of 99 bottles of beer on the wall while he was playing poker at the Star City Casino on New Year’s. The player got about halfway there before the floor manager kicked him off of the tables. Apparently, the unidentified poker player was falling asleep at the […]

Rounders Sequel on the Way

Anybody who has gagged while watching Lucky You or High Roller: The Stu Ungar Story will be pleased to know that a good poker movie is finally on the way. That’s because Miramax recently announced that they’re rolling out a sequel to the 1998 film Rounders. The official announcement by Miramax stated: Miramax and the […]

Hellmuth on Dancing with the Stars – Hurting or helping Online Poker

As is usual with Phil Hellmuth, he couldn’t resist the chance to grab more attention and headlines (including this one) with a recent Twitter post exclaiming that he might be on “Dancing with the Stars.” Sounding giddy as a 13 year-old girl, Hellmuth sent out the following Twitter post, “OMG! Phil Hellmuth (me!) on ‘Dancing […]

Anybody playing Poker on Christmas?

So who’s all playing poker on Christmas today? I know that I am…..just have to sneak away from a few family members and play when I get the chance. Sure it’s the holiday season and I should be spending it with family members, but hey, I’ve got money to win! In my experiences, Christmas is […]

Using Expected Value for Post-play Improvement

Many poker players know that expected value looks at how much we expect to gain or lose by making a certain poker play over the long run. For instance, if you make a $10 call in a $60 pot (6:1 pot odds) with a flush draw (3:1 odds of hitting the hand), you are getting […]

Online Poker Bill is Dead

I don’t normally like talking about the legal aspects of online poker on my blog because……well, just about every blog and poker news outlet in the world already does so. However, I thought it relevant to point out that online poker legalization is finally dead in the water since Harry Reid officially announced that he’s […]

Who is Archie Karas?

Dip into the subject of the greatest poker players of all time and you won’t find Archie Karas……at least not right away. He’s never won any major poker tournaments, and he doesn’t have the young, high stakes poker swag that people like Tom Dwan and Patrik Antonius have. No Karas is simply a gambler who’s […]